
               SHU WANG


                SHU WANG

Symbiosis I | TÀO

Symbiosis I is a set of installation/sculpture from a series of works, 套TÀO. It contains two cabinets with clear acrylic/ acrylic with clear resin back, one backpack for carrying cabinet, several cup rings, clear resin track and fabric capsules.

The transparent resin track, was draped and deformed from body, suggests a sense of being shaped or molded by external influences. These represent the standards of how I am expected to behave, both as a child and as an adult. The capsules that could be attached symbolize attempts to break free or rebel against expectations. Turning the stiff track into a more personalized representation adds depth to the struggle against conformity.

There are two cabinets. The freely open one represents the part of me that I don’t mind showing, while the one tightened by the backpack is for keeping aspects of myself hidden away in a cabinet for privacy and protection, shielding vulnerable aspects of my identity from public scrutiny or judgment. The backpack is for me to carry the cabinet that I don’t want to open publicly on my life journey.

Contact: s.shu.wang96@gmail.com